As we know – we can choose our friends – but we can’t choose our family…Family relationships can sometimes be hard to navigate because whilst we belong to a unit – we are still all individuals and we don’t always see eye to eye.
It’s interesting that most TV commercials still portray the “typical” family unit of Mum, Dad and the smiling happy kids. Yet the reality is that a vast number of Australians live in an entirely different family structure, whether it’s a single parent family, a shared custody arrangement, a same sex relationship, a blended family with step-parents and half siblings, adoptive or fostering families.
Regardless of the family structure, conflict can occur within any family. When conflict occurs in families it pretty much makes everyone miserable. Causes of familial conflict can be broad and variable…for example dissimilar parenting styles, financial issues, child/parent conflict, sibling problems, step-parenting, special needs children, addiction and other mental health issues such as anger management.
When conflict occurs in families – not everyone can deal with it in a calm and rational manner and so it can easily escalate into arguments, abuse, violence or withdrawal. In heightened emotional states it becomes difficult to compromise or communicate and the family unit can become fractured and distraught. That’s when counselling therapy - also referred to as family therapy - becomes an option.
Ultimately – we all want pretty much the same things from our family unit – love, respect, security and trust. But it can be difficult to achieve this in what feels like a war-zone. Getting family counselling from a psychologist can be extremely helpful in restoring harmony to troubled families.
At Relieve Psychology – we have experienced family counsellors who can help you solve family issues by consulting with you as a family unit, as a couple or individually. Our family counselling services provide constructive communication strategies and objective thinking to assist you in resolving family conflict.
To make an appointment call (03) 8394 3891 and get some relief!
You’re not on your own.
Relieve Psychology 135 Bamfield Road Heidelberg Heights VIC 3081 is conveniently located to:
Family Therapy The family is a group of people who care about each other or depend on each other and consider themselves as such. It may be a nuclear family of parents, step-parents and children but may also include grandparents, step-children and half-siblings.
Family life can be a place of refuge and security but for some it is a source of pain and disappointment. Our families absorb many of the stresses and strains from the outside world – and the pressures can boil over. Sometimes a personal problem, particularly in an adolescent, can overwhelm a family and there seems to be no clear way forward. At other times changes within the family leave other members confused and angry or hurt. When a crisis or disappointment happens for one member the family group absorbs the impact, sometimes helping and sometimes hindering. Sometimes the help comes at a high price to one or more members.
Reasons for family counselling include: - Disruption after separation or divorce or a new partner moving in - Problems with step-family life - Debt - Problems with adolescents or older children - Children leaving home - Unwanted pregnancy.