We all feel anxious from time to time – it’s a very normal human reaction when faced with change, uncertainty or expectation – however for many Australian’s, anxiety can be a an almost crippling mental health issue that interferes with day to day living. Anxiety can manifest with psychological symptoms such as fear, rumination, nervousness, catastrophising, obsessive thinking or a general sense of doom.
Anxiety can also be accompanied by physical systems such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), upset tummy, sweating, breathing difficulties, sleep problems, shakiness, feeling light headed, muscular tension and even eating problems all of which are very uncomfortable.
If you are experiencing some of these symptoms – you may be suffering from anxiety. The good news is that anxiety can be treated very successfully with psychological interventions.
At Relieve Psychology our team of psychologists are all experienced in treating anxiety. Whether it’s Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Specific Phobia, Panic Attack, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or Social Anxiety we have a therapist who can work with you to get you into a much more comfortable and relaxed frame of mind.
We use a range of psychological therapies such as Acceptance Commitment Therapy, (ACT) Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) all of which are clinically proven to be highly effective at reducing the distressing symptoms of anxiety.
All consultations are confidential and you will be treated with care, empathy and respect.
To make an appointment call (03) 9458 8092 and get some relief. You’re not on your own.